Hi! I’m Suzanne and ready to help you and your family pursue a Christ-centered lifestyle through nutrition, homeopathy, and the Word of God.
. . . . journeys in life are more fun when you have friends along . . . .
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I’m so glad you’re here!
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Christ-centeredwellness.com will give practical education to motivate you spiritually, physically, emotionally, and intellectually so that you can pursue a life that glorifies God. Your email will never be shared. Join me on this journey! To God be the glory forever and ever, Amen!
Suzanne Provagna is a certified Nutritional Therapist and Functional Medicine Health Coach. Suzanne Provagna is not a registered dietician, mental health professional, licensed nutritionist, or medical practitioner. The Christ-centeredwellness.com website and Newsletter is not a substitute for advice from your medical practitioner. Always check with your physician before beginning any exercise or diet changes. Suzanne Provagna does not provide any medical, religious, financial, therapeutic, legal or accounting advice through her site. Suzanne Provagna provides education, information, and opinions. You are personally responsible for implementing any suggestions on her site or from her newsletters. Testimonies are just examples of the results of Suzanne’s clients. Not every client can expect the same results. Visitors to the Christ-centeredwellness website should know that all references or links to other websites in regard to information, opinions, advice, programs, products or services of any other individual, business, or entity does not constitute Suzanne Provagna’s formal endorsement. She is only sharing helpful resources and you must use your own judgement before applying any of the information from other sites to your own life. On occasion Suzanne Provagna may have an affiliate partner or may promote the work of other individuals or business. Suzanne Provagna may receive financial compensation for any purchases made through their websites or programs and she disclaims liability in all ways for their work.