Buying Baby Formula . . . or Make it Yourself?

Life can throw some pretty fast curve balls that you’d never expect . . .  like baby formula shortages. Most people agree that the best food choice for a baby is what God designed—breastmilk. But sometimes, this isn’t an option. I believe that the second-best choice would not be what is made in a factory by people but instead, what is primarily made from the animals and plants that God created. This is my opinion. I am not a medical doctor and am not giving nutritional or medical advice . . . just my God-honoring opinion.

Dr. Mary Enig, world renown nutritionist and researcher, created this recipe for home-made baby formula over twenty years ago. It mimics the profile of breastmilk and you can read for yourself the breakdown of nutrients on the Weston A Price website included in this article.

From a personal standpoint, I have used this formula (or a slight variation of it) for our little one since he was two months old. There are several types of healthy fats in the recipe along with a high-quality infant pro-biotic. Healthy fats are widely responsible for healthy brain development.

It is also extremely cost effective and takes less than ten minutes to make after you get used to making it. It helps create regularity in bowel movements and strengthens the immune system. Our little fellow is now over two years old, and we still use it as a supplement to his whole food diet. Thankfully, he has been sick only a couple of times. Having a healthy immune system is largely responsible for his body’s ability to fight infection and illnesses.

What we feed ourselves and our babies is our choice. We try to make the best decisions possible with the information we have. I am thankful to have had access to this well-designed and safe alternative to commercial formulas and wanted to pass it on to you.

I was nervous before trying the home-made baby formula recipe, so I read the almost five hundred comments that accompanied the article and that helped me decide. I encourage you to read them as well. You may find the recipe and more information here:  Weston A Price Foundation - Baby Formula Recipe


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